sábado, 19 de enero de 2013

Food like stranger

Hola, bueno yo nunca he tenido problemas con la comida, es decir siempre he Sido de dulces. Mi dieta se basal a mucho en chocolate y chips... Una dieta no muy saludable. A pensar de ello soy vegetariana.
Al llegar a USA, aprendi a provar muchas mas cosas, y ahora me encanta casi todo, incluso la comida Thai, Japanese, India...
Lo primero que senti es que la comida era muy picante. En USA la comida es como mejicana y como no tienen una cocina propia, la mezcla de culturas hace que muchos plates Sean picantes. Aun asi si preguntas por no picante, Te Diran que no es picante y para ti lo sera. Alfinal Te acostumbras. Ahora me gusta un poquito el picante.

Si eres vegetariano o vegano, estar en otro pais es mucho mas facil; cualquier super tiene su parte ecologica, y no solo eso, en Los restaurantes siempre hay opcion o carta vegetariana.

Bueno, yo este año poco a poco intento mejorar mi dieta y en general ser mas saludable. Estoy aprendiendo a cuidarme.

Aqui os pongo algunas opciones muy saludables. Asi os ahorrais ir mirando las etiquetas.

En estados unidos Uncle Sam, original me encanto. Tiene mucha fibra y poco azucar y es asi como crijuente y natural. Yo me ponia un poco con fruta y leche de soja.
Por otro lado bueno esta el Special K y tal si utilizabais ese en españa. A mi me parece que hay mejores opciones. Por otro lado esta en onefiber, el original es no el mas bueno pero tiene muchisima fibra y nada de azucar. Pero si quieres que tenga algo mas de sabor el de chocolate esta bueno y solo tiene un poco de azucar. Yo me compro Los dos. Estos Los encuentras en canada.

Tofu y otras comidas
Si comes mucho tofu ves a cosco ( una tie da para comprar a lo grande ) hay un pack que esta muy bien y hay tres paquetes con tofu bastante grandes.
Tambien puedes encontar UNOs rollitos vegetales que estan muy buenos. La lasaña vegetal, esta buena y a buen precio.

Yo no compro leche normal, lo hacia y compraba siempre ecologica. La leche sabe diferente, a mi me encantaba. No hay mucha diferencia de precios de una tienda a otra. Walmart y tal siempre es mas barato y safe on en canada tambien esta bien.

Yo la leche almond que veis en la foto , vanilla sin azucar añadido esta muy bien y tiene muy pocas calorias. Tambien esta la Marca silk.

Para leche soy, bueno si Te da igual el azucar, la marca so good esta muy buena, pero la silk es la que encuentras con menos calorias y azucares añadidos.

Para yogurt, a mi me Cuesta encontrar de soja muchas veces, Siendo sincera estoy comparando como unas natillas como japonesas de soja que esta super buenas, hay de diferentes sabores y suelen estar en la zona vegetariana, donde encuentras el tofu.

Os he puesto un yogurt con poco azucar. Esta muy bueno.

Por otra parte si comes kinoa, couscous o falafel, sole is encontrar en todos lados es algo que la gente aqui come mas. Por otra parte la kinoa muchas veces las puedes comprar a granel, fijate bien hay veces que es mas barato.

Hello, well today I just want to talk about food.
I was so special with the food before start traveling. And also I am vegetarian. When I arrived to use I have the sensation I can't eat, everything was so spacey for me. With the time I start eating with a little spacey, and now I love Indian, Thai, ...food.

Like vegetarian in USA and also canada it's Easier. I can find vegetarian food in anywhere. The store have a big section compare with Spain, and at the restaurant always I have vegetarian options. Also you could find vegetarian restaurants in everywhere.

Doing my research for eat right I have some cereals and milk ... Which are my favorite here, because dont have so much sugar on it. Like cereal I like Uncle Sam original, it's crunchy and really good if you are looking for fiber. This one it's not in canada so I use one fiber, it's really good, but in my opinion I like more how taste Uncle Sam. But one fiber have the chocolate option without so much calories and it's delicious. I always eat the cereal with so much fruit and I love it.
The tofu I think it's perfect buy in cosco is more cheaper and I like this one.
Almond milk unsweetened ( for my vanilla ) it's really good, don't have any sugar in, and taste really good. Also I like the milk silk vanilla light too, it's really good, soy and almond are good.
I add some yogurt, I think are interesting , but you will see you have so much options.

Well, like Spanish I would like to write about Spanish food.
If you are going to Spain you should ask for the Spanish omelette, paella ( it's rice with vegetables and sometimes fish or meat) , try to eat tapas ( delicious smells plates ), ham, manchego cheese, and be brave and go to the smells bars, sometime you can get a nice food there.
If you are at the beach, go to the restaurants at the beach and eat fish, normally it's very fresh and the people love it.
If one day you want look for famous restaurants, can be expensive but you will be surprise. The new cooking in Spain is very interesting and creative. You will love.

I´m feel an efímero* spirit

I was sick for a couple days. Silly tommy. Today I was feeling a little better. I decide go out for a bit, just was a sunny day, that is be lucky here. In this city I´m alone so I hang out for myself. Saturday: so much people around, shopping and enjoying this beautiful day. I feel so alone, doesnt matter how much people was there, around me... a big city, people... but I´m not in home anymore. Home. If I think about it I don´t know where is home. Now thinking in take the visa work holiday in Canada, I´m thinking about so much things.

If I get the visa, I will be here for a year, and after what? Will be more then 2 years without come back home, nothing will be the same. I´ts truth , one year can past very quickly, but when I think about life, one year and half here means for me start having something here, starting feeling that like home. Maybe I should not.

Sometimes I think I´m feeling like in a cloud, I´m looking the life but anything is real. I´m an *efimer spirit. Sometimes I think about love, relations, friends... It´s not just i´ts so difficult to meet people, it´s something else. I think I writed before abou the boy I met here. Well, he is away for a bit and I miss him. My free time I am always with him and also He is my only friend here, or maybe something else.
What that mean? I have not idea, I don´t know if I´m going to talk with him and dont meet again or keep like now, but i´m scared to suffer and leave in a couple month.

The city was so beautiful, at night time the big building was with a little light, the sky was clear and I could saw some stars. I was looking the stars at the time everybody was looking the Iphone, or going fast for get the last bus. What it´s happening? I´m feel a dreamer.

lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

Ann arbor

In Ann arbor.

Most of the time in Michigan I was living in Ann arbor. I lived finally with some friends.
Ann arbor its a beautiful town where the people is young and normally very educate. It´s one of the best university in USA. They do some activities interesting what maybe you could be interesting in.
show old cars 
movies outsite

Also they have some theater very old, very interesting for visit. The park at the city it´s beautiful. If you can get a bike it´s perfect for go around. Just think about weather. 
The summer it´s very warm, and beautiful, all the flowers and trees are green in off. 
The winter is long and very cold, and also you can see the nature very close.  Sometimes very close to de city just at the begin I founded deer, squirrels, racoons..

If I am honest I love this town. The people it´s normally kind of young. If your are thinking to hang out at night , you could have a good time there, just sometimes the people it´s very young. Maybe you will feel like a university movie.

Restaurans I can recomen :
 -Mani. this restaurant it´s one of my favorites, it´s like italian, probably the best pizzas in ann arbor, if you wanna be a way from the fast food. I recomen the Jolly Pumpkin in Main street, some food can be really good. Also Cafe Felix, it´s like the same so try there if you are for main street.
-Bar Louie, probably I recomen more for lunch, it´s  like american + mexican food.  So you will find burgers and sandwich...
- Conor´s it´s a bar perfect for hang out or go for drink something with a couple friends. I thinks always was the perfect point for met.
- Charley´s (Good times charley´s) is perfect if you are in south university and you feel like eating sandwich and american food. 
- Melange it´s really nice for cocktails and go out at night time. 
- Black pearl, lovely for  listend direct music and dinner really good food. I love *ratatoui plate for vegetarians.
I´m vegetarian and I never had problems, always they make choice for vegetarians, But you can find a vegetarian restaurant  in liberty street  * Seva , and also in main street or Marnee thai.
Is a some couple restaurants and bars really interesting like a internationals places  * zingerman delicatese, ( I really recomen go the for coffe or breakfast) where you can find really good food for leave with or eat there and others bars where you can drink  sangria outside. Also in main Street is a Indian restaurant perfect for the people who love this king of restaurant. I tried and I love it. 
In S State Street you can find some Ice cream really tasty and also some more restaurans where I usually go for lunch.

At the time you are visiting Ann arbor don´t forget to look all the things, this town have some magic things.  Try to find the little doors for fairy or elves.

martes, 8 de enero de 2013

Part 3. Back to USA

Después de estar un mes y medio en España mis ganas de aventurarme de nuevo estaban incansablemente en mi mente. La vuelta a España era grata, y había comido más que nunca. Todo fue celebración. Celebrar de nuevo navidad, celebrar de nuevo mi cumpleaños, los reyes... pero algo había cambiado. No se. Era la esencia de las cosas o quizás yo. Pero para mi, todo era diferente, y yo ya no pertenecía a ningún lugar.

Ni siquiera conocía la música que ponían en la radio. Todos bailaban aquel pegadizo ritmo y yo no tenía ni idea. Pero no era solo eso, mis amigos habían cambiado. Algunos tenían parejas nuevas, tenían nuevos planes...Y yo, Yo también tenía nuevos planes.

Un día por la mañana decidí que me iba en 15 días, quería aprender ingles perfectamente. Mi primer objetivo. Y tenía la sensación que esperar podía ser interminable. Es lo que pasa cuando uno es joven, la energía nos mueve. Cometemos errores pero aprendemos. Aquellos que jamás cometen jamás aprenderán  todo lo que podrían.  Con esa filosofía convencí a familia y amigos. Todos preocupados. Esta vez  no había un plan fijo, tampoco mucho dinero, era ya de seis meses a un año  y todos me miraban como la delicada chica que mucho me ven.

Los quince días fueron interminables, además hice lo que más me aborrece , papeleo. De nuevo el avión, de nuevo decir adiós, pero esta vez era un adiós diferente. Nadie sabia cuando volveria, había un billete de vuelta pero solo era papel para mi y ellos lo sabían.

De nuevo allí. Aquellas tierras desconocidas. Antes de empezar las clases intente por diferentes páginas encontrar diferentes conversation parther. Conocí algunas personas interesadas, pero si algo hay en este país es gente OCUPADA. Siempre están Busy,  y desgraciadamente siempre parecen ser simpáticos, darte el telefono, te dicen que te llamaran, pero pasarón dos meses y yo empece mis clases de ingles. Estaba claro que nadie llamaria, ni para un cafe, ni para conversación. Estaban ocupados. Dos meses más en la escuela en la que tenía la sensación que se me iba el dinero. Yo no faltaba a ninguna clase. Empece a entender poco a poco más y más. Yo pensaba que ya sabía ingles, y entablaba conversación con todo aquel que se dejara. Incluso alguno de los sin techo que había en la calle.

Era ya verano, me conocía  la pequeña ciudad de Ann arbor. Un pequeño town con un encanto que me enamoro. Sus calles, su cierto hippie y juvenil aire que refrescaba mi mente al montarme en bicicleta. Aquel día soleado, conocí a un nuevo- sin techo-. Era un joven rubio de ojos azules. Él estaba sentado en una esquina con ropas sucias y acompañado por su perro.  No me fije en él hasta que me pidió una sonrísa. Y lo único que pensé fue: Que joven. Hay que decir que después de 4 meses yo no había conocido a nadie, un par o tres de americanos, pero que jamás dejaban de estar ocupados, también conocí un chico,  pero esa no es la historia ahora.
Continué caminando después de sonreír, pero no deje de pensar en aquel joven. ¿Que había pasado? ¿ Por que alguien tan joven podía estar en la calle? Era incluso más joven que yo, en aquel entonces yo tenía 22 años, él probablemente unos 20. A mi camino hacia atrás, él seguia allí. En la escuela nos habian dicho que Ann arbor era una ciudad muy segura. Cuidaban mucho la seguridad para mantener a los estudiantes de la universidad.  Pero aún así aconsejaban no andar sola a chicas jóvenes. Poco después entiendes que hay una cierta exajeración y que incluso que alguien hable con una chica puede salir en los periodicos.  Sin pensar en los consejos, decidi pararme a hablar con el chico.
-¿Por que estas aqui?
-Disfrutando del sol.
-Ya veo, tienes buena compañia. ¿ Como se llama?
-(no recuerdo el nombre)
-¿De donde eres?
- Del mundo
Pense que no era demasiado inteligente entrar en detalles, aunque quería preguntarle mucho más. Su familia, el por que vivia en la calle... Así que hablamos algo mas e incluso sobre el perro y continue hacia donde tenía la bici.

Pocos días después me encontre a los Españoles de Ann arbor. (Si estas pensando ir a USA y vas por la zona de Mi, no dudes en comunicarte con ellos, es el mejor grupo de españoles que podreis conocer) Como apesar de mi esfuerzo no podía conocer a mas gente, decidi ir con ellos. Empece a salir con ellos todos los días.  Por aquel entonces algun problema económico entre otros empezaron a surgir. Se acabaron mis ahorros, y mi familia esperaba que volviera. Mis respuestas eran breves. No volvería, no me sentía capaz de volver. Sentía que no tenía nada. Vendí todas mis pertenéncias. Así que recibi mensajes como : joven revelde, vaga...
Ya sabemos que cuando las cosas van mal, todo va mal. Era cierto que mi vida no tenia más que unas piezas del puzzle montadas, pero tener el apoyo de la familia siempre ayudaba. Estube varios días llorando sin parar. Además no tenia absolutamente a nadie. Incluso mi mejor amigo estaba enfadado conmigo al saber que no volvia. Nadie, nada.

Por suerte, los españoles vieron que no estaba pasando por un buen momento, ellos me abrieron los brazos, su casa y su corazón. Jamás podré olvidarlo. Cada día que me veían decaida salíamos a celebrar que todo saldría bien.

Sin planes, sin dinero, sin nada. No veía destino ni salida alguna. El billete de vuelta a casa lo debía cojer en 20 días.


 I decide to come back to USA, MI. This part of the world keep my curiosity. I was very happy. I can´t wait to go back. The time in Spain was perfect, so much celebration, so much fun... but I didn´t feel the same. Everything was different, Including the radio, I even reconaice the songs. A silly song who everyone dance, I was surprice. Also, my friends make new friends, some new boyfriends...
Two month and everything different. When I was in Spain living I had the sensation everything was the same always, But the life change a lot.  Everyday can be different, everybody had new plans... but probably was me. I was who most change, I didn´t feel at the same page anymore.

At the time I arrive at Michigan, I was looking for conversation... I use Craiglist, and other pages for look for someone interested. Maybe two o three people send me a message back. No body met finally. If it´s something truth, in Spain meet people it´s so much easy. If I´m in te coffeshop and I meet someone and we talk for a little while, I give my phone, but tomorrow we are going to be doing plans, I will introduce my friends... and in a month could be a really good friend. Here, in USA that it´s not working. The people always is busy, the have more family plans and also they need know you for more time for be your friend. I keep asking myself how. how?  After two month witout couldnt talk or practice my english I start in the school. I was doing some classes, and yes I learned a lot. I was feeling like I knew English so I start to talk with everyone who I have the change.  Including the homeless.

I knew all the little town. Ann arbor, the most lovely down in MI. I will keep this city at my memory for so many reasons, I can descrive like hippie, pretty, magic, ...

I was in bike, I saw a new homeless. Him had very young look. I was asking myself what he was doing. I could not stop thinking. So when I go my way back to home I stopped to talk to him.
- Hello. How are you?
- I´m fine
-What are you doing here?
- Enjoying this weather
- Nice, I see you are doing with a great company.
-Yes, I do.
- where are you from?
-I´m from everywhere.

Well after He said that, I decide don´t keep asking, of course He it´s not going to give me the answed what I was waiting for. We keep talking for a bit but I never ask more questions. I need to say, I keep without understand why.

This shorts conversations don´t help me so much for learn English. I was feeling so lonely and also I didn´t feel like I was learning so much being in USA. The School was great, but I was feeling a hold in my pocked.

I start going to with the spanish friends. (If you are in Michigan or are you thinking in go there, I recomende meet this group , They are incredible. ) After that I lost all my money, ... and when everything is damn ... COMPLETLY EVERYTHING IS DAMN. My family disaproving I keep in USA was so mad, so I lost the contact with them. Also my best friends was mad too.  I was alone, without friends in Spain, without friends in Mi, without money, without plans... nothing.
I was crying for a couple days. Was not the solution but I need it. My Spanish friends saw me really badly, they decide help me in everything, they open their heart, their house, ...

My flight to come back come was in 20 days. I was without plans, without family...

the supermarket

En Los Dias en Los que tu Vida es simplemente aquella que vives, sin preguntarte si es la Vida que quieres. Las horas , Los Dias y Los meses pasan.  Todo pasa, y Ahora un año despues puedo hablar del supermercado. La Vida da giros inesperados, no es una opcion que me disguste, puedo explicar como todo a cambiado y como yo he cambiado tambien.
Hace un año atras Vivia con mi pareja, dos Perros y un gato, cada dia me preguntaba si la relacion mejoraria. Pero aun asi , llena de esperanza esperaba que asi fuese. Aquellos años solia Ir al supermercado cada semana. La Lista de la compra era larga e interminable, y la busqueda en Los pasillos solia ser Lenta. Normalmente ya pensaba la comida que haria esa semana , los ingredientes que necesita, compraba vino, siempre con la idea de sorprenderle.
 Lechuga, tomates, zanahoria, pepinos, platanos, Peras, setas, berengenas, calabazin, pimiento, ver duras congeladas, arroz, masas de pizza, queso para pizza, carne, pescado, cervezas, chips, vino, olivas, pepinillos, chorizo, ...
Y la Lista continuaba. La nevera siempre estaba llena. Jugar al tetris era usual al llegar a casa para poner la compra el la nevera.  Y controlaba incluso la cantidad de chips, coca cola, o pop que podia llegar a comprar, para Mantener una dieta equilibrada.

Hoy un año despues solo puedo decir, que hay Dias que sientes lo sola que estas al ver tu nevera.  No me importa la dieta ni si la maquina del tiempo esta llena, ni si quiera si tengo comida. Las cosas imprescindibles para un soltero son la leche, galletas, arroz, lechuga y tomates.  Y con ello podremos sobrevivir Los Dias que se Pierden mirando la tv, en las tardes de lluvia.  Cada dia abro la maquina del tiempo y Siento que hace un año solo tenia que pensar en llenar la nevera, y Ahora un año despues, siento que no importa. Tengo toda una Vida por construir, toda una cantidad de sueños por la que vivir.  Y si, la llamo la maquina del tiempo , y por que no? Es aquellos que hace que Los productos duren mas tiempo. Es aquella que me hace recordar diferentes momentos de mi vida.  Ahora estando en Los estados unidos es aquella que guarda las box del restaurante, la comida tai... Y me alimenta sin apenas tener que cocinar.  Paso 1 : cojer la box   Paso 2: ponerla en el microndas   Paso3: comer

En unos meses en estados unidos aprendiendo ingles... Intententare escribir esto en ingles, no prometo que este perfecto. Pero deseo intentarlo.
In this month in USA I want to try to write that in English, I hope do it the best what I know.

The supermarket

That is a important change in my life. One year ago I was living with my boyfriend , 2 dogs and a cat.  The most important think to do every week was go to the store. The frig needed be full.   I worried for buy the best, my list was really long , my time in the store was like around hour.  I didn't try just buy things, I was try to buy things thinking in what cook , thinking a perfect diet, ...

When I arrived  at home, I had a big deal : how put everything in the frig? I could lisened the tetrix music when I maked it.  The frig was full, always full. That mean be happy.  Every day I cooked something, with a very good look, dessert , good wine for him, ...

Every week the same thing. I was worried for the frig , for what cook, for make really nice dinner for him... At the time my life past day by day. I never had time for think in myself. I just hoped to keep my relationship. I hoped everything changed for go the best way. The choose  was that never happened.

Now , one year ago...everything change. My frig is not full. I am in USA trying to practice my English, studing and growth everyday for be who I am.  When I open  my frig I can see 2 box of the restaurant, milk,  lettuce ,  and tomatoe. Some cookies and nesquik outside of the frig.  The frig doesn' t matter, now my life, my goals, my dreams, it's the important.

one day Squamish

Mi primer dia gris en Squamish hace mover mis pensamientos de forma mas rápida, las ideas en mi cabeza no puedan parar de pinchar en lo mas profundo de mis interrogantes. No puedo definirlo como miedo, solo se que un día más, en mi rutina de la ignorancia " I don´t know nothing, absolutly nothing" Puedo leer las páginas del pasado, pero no puedo adivinar ni una pieza mas de mi futuro. La incertidumbre del mañana me atormenta rompiendo los esquemas de la soledad más absoluta.
Tomar las decisiones de forma precipida no siempre sale bien, y es por ello que se llama aventura. De alguna forma yo tengo un motivo y varios pros y contras en el. El camino sencillo, es aquel que no quiero tomar pues no cumple mis espectativas de futuro. Al parecer no hay nadie que camine en el mismo rumbo que yo. Este largo viaje, tengo la sensación que acaba de empezar y cada dia es más largo , más gris y con olor a cafe que me hace despertar bien temprano. Pero nunca veo el sol.
Cuando deseo llorar, hay dias que la estupidez me acobarda. Llorar, ninguna solución a la vista y ninguna mano amiga que empuje a seguir. Quizás un cuento de niños donde los finales siempre son dulces, esta noche me deje dormir.

My first grey day in Squamish make me feel damn. My mind is thinking about everything, jumping about my own questions, about life. I' m 22 years old. I' m far a way from everything what I know. I' m feel just lonely , and sometimes don't so much brave... My firsts and last question is my future. Do you ask yourself about your future? I have no an idea. I remember when I was living with my exboyfriend, I had house, I was working ... So I just was thinking I was in my way. Now, I can be sure I was not. Now I am in the right way, just I don't know where end. Perhaps, I am a little worry. I don't know if what I am doing is the best thing to do.
My live changed. I'm sure if I come back come its not going to be the same... One year! Wow. The time is running away. And I have the sensation this way just start. The days are grey in this city, smell at coffee all day and have the most beautiful trees. Everyone it's looking for a little sunshine. But I can count with my hand how much time I saw it.

This adventure make me stronger, brave and a new person. I'm learning so much. I recommended everyone go other country and try to leave six month or three there.

Also... The sensations are stronger then normally. When I need to cry , honestly I don't know how. I'm feel so stupid crying for myself without getting solution. Without someone who hug me, without a long chat with my best friend ... Here cry it's nothing! Just a feeling ... But with the time, it's a reason for think in something else, do some sport, eat chocolate or watch a silly movie where everyone end happy .

Maybe it's this one my plan for today.

Part 2: step one.

Sometimes the people past time waiting. Waiting for something happened in the last time.

My own history start when I decided make my package.  My package was for just a couple days. One shoes, four different clouds ... and not so much. I was thinking come back soon.

My firths days in United State, Michigan, was incredible  for me. Everything was like been in a movie. Was my firth time to really travel, to really open my mind to discover other things. I was feeling more freedom then never I before.  The weather was not so bad yet, so i could enjoy a little bit out site. My brother was busy, so He didn't could show me so much.

Been there, I saw so much poor people in the streets. I´m still asking why. But I have one little history about it, which one  I´ll tell you later.

My intention after been there for a few week was start learning the language. English. I was so mad with myself to never listened my English teacher. But the first step in this life, is not be disappointed. The key is keep looking in the way you want. So I was trying my best to learn. Never is later.  I can tell you, was not easy at all. I was looking for a conversation partner, I was looking for English courses online,... And I did, Finally i was using online courses, YouTube... and also in my last month in Mi, I find my conversation partner. He was a student who was learning Spanish. Was interesting. Of curse if something I´m still learning is to understand other cultures. Americans are busy, and more close. I just met him a couple times.  And never I could find someone who give me more time for a conversation.